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Kelleen Peters



Self-care is a topic that emphasizes the practice of taking deliberate actions to prioritize and maintain one's physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being. It involves engaging in activities and behaviors that promote self-nurturance, relaxation, and personal growth. 

Self-care is a proactive approach to holistic health that recognizes the importance of self-preservation and self-renewal. It involves dedicating time and energy to self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-improvement. The concept encompasses various dimensions, including physical, psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of well-being.

Prioritizing self-awareness, personal growth, and relaxation. By engaging in self-care activities, individuals can enhance their physical, mental, and emotional health, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

CEU POST TEST & answers

Please provide 6-8 questions on the subject which we can give as a post-test to the participants at the end of the course for issuing the CEUs. We need to send this list of questions (along with the answers) with the application:

  1. Question: What are three dimensions of self-care?

Answer: Physical, emotional, spiritual 

  1. Question: Name three examples of self-care practices for physical well-being.

Answer: Exercise and movement, nutrition and hydration, sleep and rest, meditation (Any three of the mentioned practices)

  1. Question: Define self-compassion and explain why it is important for self-care.

Answer: Self-compassion is the practice of treating oneself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance. It is important for self-care as it fosters a nurturing and supportive relationship with oneself, allowing for resilience, self-acceptance, and emotional well-being.

  1. Question: How does mindfulness contribute to self-care? Provide two examples of how you can incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.

Answer: Mindfulness enhances self-care by promoting present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance. Examples of incorporating mindfulness can include mindful breathing exercises, mindful eating, or a daily gratitude practice, meditation.

  1. Question: What are the potential consequences of neglecting self-care?

Answer: Potential consequences of neglecting self-care include increased stress levels, decreased productivity, burnout, compromised physical and mental health, and strained relationships.

  1. Question: How can you establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life? Provide two strategies.

Answer: Strategies for establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries can include assertive communication, learning to say "no" when necessary, prioritizing self-care needs, and regularly reassessing and adjusting boundaries based on personal limits and values.

List 3-6 measurable learning objectives*

1: participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of effective stress management techniques by applying at least three stress reduction strategies in their daily lives for a period of four weeks.

2: participants will be able to identify and describe at least three self-care practices that support physical well-being, such as engaging in regular exercise, adopting a balanced diet, and getting sufficient sleep.

3: participants will be able to recognize and articulate the importance of self-compassion in their lives, as evidenced by a written self-reflection or journal entry describing specific instances where they demonstrated self-compassion in challenging situations.

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